Wednesday, October 16, 2002

To fight you must be educated. I am a teacher after all... To that end, here are some books you must read!
1. A Moment on the Earth by Gregg Easterbrook.
2. The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg.
--These two books are interesting because they are both written by self described liberal environmentalists. You probably have heard what happened to Mr. Lomborg. The same sort of thing happened to a lesser extent to Easterbrook. Both of these books throw some cold water on the doomsday prophecies of the Green movement.

Another reccommended read is Trashing the Planet by Dixie Lee Ray. There are many other good books, Way to many to list them all here. Hmmm. Maybe a reccommended reading list link?

Get them, read them, learn from them.

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