Friday, October 25, 2002

Here's an interesting thing from the Wildlife Conservation Society. I haven't had a chance to examine it in depth yet, but here it is, take a look. Map that shows the impact of humans on the globe.

Let me know what you think on the Discussion Boards.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

I wonder sometimes, is the evironmental movement is really concerned with the right things? For instance, wouldn't the entire world be a better environment if there were no terrorists? Well, it seems that the California gnatcatcher and trees are more important than properly trained soldiers. The Marines in Afghanistan don't know how to dig foxholes. Why? Because they can't practice at Camp Pendleton because it might disturb the environment. The Army, has had to place 250 foot "buffer zones" around the trees at Fort Hood to protect any potential nesting sites for the birds. That makes it really hard to practice field manuevers. We need to decide who's more important American soldiers or trees and birds

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Are you cold? Winter is approaching and apparently its global warming's fault! A scientist has claimed that global warming could cause of all things, an ice age! Read the story at CNS News and then go to the discussion board to leave comments.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

I downloaded a news reader to well, you know, read the news. One of the news feeds that came pre-installed was Green Nature. I clicked on one of the stories and went to their website. Looks pretty innocuous on the surface. That is until you dig just a little, notice I said just a little. If you click on the Election 2002 link you will find a series of articles on the election, one stood out in particular for me. "Bush Environment Record" Interesting, until you see, surprise, surprise, that the information on the President's environmental record comes straight from the Democratic Policy Committee! Hmm, wonder if they'll give him a favorable review. That's just the start, go see for yourself.

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Finally, back to today's post. Huh, back to today's post? Some weirdness happened earlier and I lost some stuff.

I really hate to sound paranoid and the idea behind the United Nations seems like a good thing, and preserving and protecting wildlife is a good thing (I do have a degree in Horticulture, you know) BUT I wonder if the UN and the people who work there and with them really understand how their decisions affect the people they are supposedly charged with helping. It seems to me that the plants and animals are being put first. Here is a great example of what I am talking about.
Look at this map and pay special attention to the dominant color.

Leave a comment on the Discussion Boards.
There's some weirdness going on with the publishing software. So ignore the post right under this one and read below as I try to fix it.

Henry Lamb has a great organization called ECO, he has published an article called Green Zombies on World Net Daily about school textbooks that you might find interesting.

Also, I have started a discussion board site if you want to comment on things you see here or elsewhere.
I really hate to sound paranoid and the idea behind the United Nations seems like a good thing, and preserving and protecting wildlife is a good thing (I do have a degree in Horticulture, you know) BUT I wonder if the UN and the people who work there and with them really understand how their decisions affect thepeople they are supposedly charged with helping. It seems to me that the plants and animals are being put first. Here is a great example of what I am talking about.
Look at this map and pay special attention to the dominant color.

I know that some of you will have a comment on this. Click on the No comments: